If You're Woke I'd Rather Be Asleep
Jesus. I just spent way to much time on a comment thread discussing MKUltra with a conspiracy theorist friend. I followed her down her very deep paranoid rabbit hole. On Facebook. And I mean she is ALL in. Lizard people? Check. Chem trails? Check. Illuminati? Check. And then her friends chime in. And I'm drowning in a sea of crazy. Fuck this. I need a shower. Seriously, I just want some proof. A little solid evidence; that'd be nice. Satanic cults and trauma-based mind control are really the source of all our woes? Really? It's not that humans are generally selfish fucks and will do anything for power and money? Also, not bringing up the Bible as proof of anything would help. But fuck me for wanting to be rational about this.
Here is an insightful article about The Power of Conspiratorial Thinking.