
What is dropFFish?

dropFFish (drop to FFmpeg in shell) is a set of drag and drop presets for the open source transcoder, FFmpeg.  dropFFish is a fork of ffdrop, which is excellent as well.

dropFFish provides a basic GUI to FFmpeg that allows non technical users to utilize this powerful but rather cryptic command line program.  Specifically, dropFFish targets those in video production/broadcast/DIT who need audio and video files converted to something else for import or export.

The presets are grouped into specific codecs and formats.  You can drag and drop any audio/video file(s) onto the droplet icon, or double click the droplet and then drag the file to its window.  Transcoded files are written to the same directory as the source file.  Source files are never overwritten.

Binaries for FFmpeg are not included, but you can download the latest version from ffmpeg.org or use Homebrew.

Requires: macOS 10.8 and later

UPDATE: Well, Apple being Apple, they have made it pretty hard to distribute home-brew software. I am making zero dollars from this software so it makes little sense for me to pay Apple's $100 developer account fee in order to notarize my apps. This means that:

If dropFFish refuses to run at all (giving you an alert box instead), or it runs but says it cannot find FFMPEG, even after placing the FFMPEG binary in the dfbin directory, your copy of dropFFish may have been “quarantined” by the OS. If you’d like to fix this, and you feel comfortable bypassing the OS security, try the following:

Open up Terminal and type: sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/dropFFish

dropFFish should operate normally now.