Drury Lane
About 10 years ago we started production on a film called Drury Lane. It was written and directed by my friend and mentor, Lynne Van Dam.
I was one of the cinematographers, one of the editors, as well as one of the actors in the movie. We were a small film that dreamed big and everybody wore multiple hats.
Working on Drury Lane was a long, sometimes difficult journey but I feel lucky for the experience and to work with so many super talented people: our wonderful actors, including our star, Kristen Murphy, our awesome camera people, our fabulous crew, my co-editor (as well as our music composer!), Alex Harris, and of course, our amazing writer, producer and director, Lynne.
Because of a music licensing hiccup, it looked like the release of this film would be limited to festivals only. Thankfully this has been resolved, and Drury Lane is now available to rent or buy on Vimeo.