
Unfortunately, like many people, I've lost some friends to the current political climate. A surprising number of those are people I never would have even argued with before. They were seemingly open minded, peaceful, even reasonable. Did I share all their beliefs in crystals and energy healing and past lives? No.

But we found common ground. That seems to have all but slipped away. Why did some of the most live and let live people become attached to such a toxic movement like QAnon?

This article gives some possible answers.

Drury Lane

About 10 years ago we started production on a film called Drury Lane. It was written and directed by my friend and mentor, Lynne Van Dam.

I was one of the cinematographers, one of the editors, as well as one of the actors in the movie. We were a small film that dreamed big and everybody wore multiple hats.

Working on Drury Lane was a long, sometimes difficult journey but I feel lucky for the experience and to work with so many super talented people: our wonderful actors, including our star, Kristen Murphy, our awesome camera people, our fabulous crew, my co-editor (as well as our music composer!), Alex Harris, and of course, our amazing writer, producer and director, Lynne.

Because of a music licensing hiccup, it looked like the release of this film would be limited to festivals only. Thankfully this has been resolved, and Drury Lane is now available to rent or buy on Vimeo.

Richard Dawkins Interview

Fascinating talk with Richard Dawkins about politics and religion, both in the US and the UK. This feels so unlike most discussions we get on American television.

We did start as a secular nation, despite what the "God fearing patriots" currently in power might say. I hope one day we'll elect an atheist or even agnostic president but I fear it will not be in my lifetime.

Blood Machines

I remember first coming across Seth Ickerman’s “Turbo Killer” a while back and being totally blown away. This grindhouse-style music video is for the French synthwave artist Carpenter Brut, whose tracks are a mix of heavy metal horror and 80’s-style synths, and it is absolutely beautiful. Seth Ickerman is actually a pseudonym for the filmmaker duo Raphaël Hernandez and Savitri Joly Gonfard. So I was a bit disappointed that I completely missed their Kickstarter campaign to create a feature(ish)-length film based in the Turbo Killer universe. That film, Blood Machines, looks to be near completion, and just dropped a new trailer. Holy eyegasm. These guys know how to paint the cinematic canvas. I will gladly give these French madmen my money if they ever decide to go the crowdfunding route again.

Age of Resistance

If you have any nostalgia or good feelings for the 1982 film that this series is based on; I urge you to check out Age of Resistance. It is still a puppet show, so if you can't get past that, this is not for you. But if you can suspend your disbelief, this show will amaze you. I feel like it's one of the few recent projects based on Jim Henson's ideas that he would be truly proud of. So good.

Trusted Sources

The people who complain the most about the mainstream media would make the world's worst journalists. Good grief... Does anybody fact check before sharing on Facebook anymore? To put it bluntly, most people's "trusted sources" suck. At best, they are serial memers playing a game of telephone and at worst they destroying the importance of facts. Remember that whole glass houses metaphor? If you are peddler of lies on social media, intentional or not, you have no authority to talk about the mainstream media.

But if you’re interested in actually doing some fact checking before you share that FB post, here is a site that may be helpful:

Media Bias/Fact Check

Hot Wheels

This Hot Wheels stunt video turned me into a giddy schoolboy.  The track design is impressive enough but then throw in some sweet slow motion footage as well as a very cool GoPro POV shot and now I'm just a little sorry I gave away my collection so long ago.

If You're Woke I'd Rather Be Asleep

Jesus.  I just spent way to much time on a comment thread discussing MKUltra with a conspiracy theorist friend.  I followed her down her very deep paranoid rabbit hole.  On Facebook.  And I mean she is ALL in.  Lizard people?  Check.  Chem trails?  Check.  Illuminati?  Check.  And then her friends chime in.  And I'm drowning in a sea of crazy.  Fuck this.  I need a shower. Seriously, I just want some proof.  A little solid evidence; that'd be nice. Satanic cults and trauma-based mind control are really the source of all our woes?  Really?  It's not that humans are generally selfish fucks and will do anything for power and money?  Also, not bringing up the Bible as proof of anything would help.  But fuck me for wanting to be rational about this.

Here is an insightful article about The Power of Conspiratorial Thinking.

I Woke Up In An Alien World

Friends and family fade and disappear. In their place, I find myself surrounded by strangers. They remind me of the people I once knew, while at the same time, they seem alien. I try to understand them, be part of their group. But we have little to talk about anymore. We no longer share the same passions. We laugh at different things. And our world views are irreversibly out of sync. What happened?